IN PERSON MEETING FEE:  $10 for non-MUFON Members / $5 for MUFON Members (please bring your MUFON membership card)
ZOOM MEETINGS (rare): $5.50 for ALL
SPECIAL EVENT FEES:  Several Meetings are considered “Special Events” and have different FEES – read ALL meeting information CAREFULLY
3pm – 5pm  (Several months have different times – be sure to read all months meeting information.)
PETALUMA COMMUNITY CENTER  (Except: Feb., July, Nov. & Dec. in 2024 – no meeting June) See “Directions” Page


JULY 13 - 4:30pm DINNER in Petaluma | 7:30pm UFO SKYWATCH at Sugarloaf Ridge State Park

You don’t need to attend the DINNER to join us at the SKYWATCH.



Lorien will give you a parking permit for your cars windshield.
Please bring exact change.
PARKING FEE: $10 per car / SENIORS: $8 per car

7:00pm – 7:25pm  so you have time to set up your chairs.

Camp Chair (lounge chair the best – laying down optimal)
Coat / Scarf / Blanket
Bug Repelant
Water / Cold Drink / Hot Drink
Binoculars / Night Vision Goggles


4:30 pm DINNER – Pete’s Henny Penny Restaurant 4995 Petaluma Blvd. N., Petaluma, CA 94952
6:30 pm Travel to Sugarloaf Ridge State Park
2605 Adobe Canyon Rd., Kenwood, CA 95452
7:30 pm SPEAKER – Robert Perala
“The Visitors”
with Jesse Stark
8:45 pm UFO SKYWATCH with Chuck Paloka & “Mr. Dennis”
10:30 pm After Meeting: Denny’s in Petaluma Meet for coffee for the drive home

“Upper Group Parking Lot”
2605 Adobe Canyon Rd.
Kenwood, CA 95452



Robert has been presenting comprehensive lectures since 1994. His best selling books The Divine Blueprint and The Divine Architect have showcased a wide variety of subjects including the origin of the soul, the nature of existence, life before birth, life after death, extraterrestrial science, UFO case study including his personal encounter with extraterrestrials, the ancient mystery schools, and personal growth and anecdotes for living. He is a graduate of Mastery University with Tony Robbins and was given the Distinguished Leadership Award at Stanford University in 2007 for his humanitarian efforts with the United Nations Association and UNICEF. He continues his public speaking for 2023 and is now offering an all new updated workbook version of his second book The Divine Architect: The Art of Living and Beyond.
Lorien wants to tahnk Robert for being a wonderful friend!

Jesse has almost a decade of experience as a sound healing practitioner doing private sessions at his studio and also at various locations (schools, senior centers, corporate retreats and more).
Experience the ancient tones of singing bowls for meditation and relaxation. Sound Healing with the harmonic sounds of Tibetan singing bowls is a technique that uses peaceful vibrations to help:  reduce stress, expand consciousness, improve health and well being, create a deep sense of peace, radiate your energy emotionally and physically.
This enlightening session combines gentle sound and meditation to put you into a nice relaxed state so the mind and body can reset and recalibrate. Enjoy a fun experience for healing and cleansing the body naturally.
Jesse is excited to be “calling in the ships” with us this year!!

Chuck is a contactee who’s had unique, up-close UFO sightings and saw an ET as a child. In order to study the UFO’s “buzzing” his house, he started filming them with night vision goggles in his yard at night and posting the UFO’s on his  YouTube channel.
“Mr. Dennis” is a friend of Chuck who has the uncanny ability to “spot UFO’s” with his naked eye.
Years ago, Chuck told Lorien about his ET contact (she interviewed him on her radio show) and his Bay Area UFO sightings.  He also told her about how his friend Dennis was able to spot the UFOs. He told her they were getting a night vision goggle to hookup to a big screen TV that fit in the trunk of Dennis’ car… and the rest is history! They have been MUFON Marin Sonoma’s Skywatch Experts each July ever since.
Lorien is grateful for their fellowship and support!

NO MEETING IN JUNE - See you July 13th


MAY 4, 2024 - JOHN W. MILOR: "UFOs and End Time Prophecy"

Saturday, May 4 | 3pm-5pm PACIFIC
Petaluma Community Center
$10 Public  |  $5 MUFON Mbr.

JOHN W. MILOR: “UFOs and End Time Prophecy”

John will present the timeline of his encounters starting at age 5. He’ll detail his encounters as a child, teen, and eventually when serving in the military where he encountered a glowing Orb while on duty.

His encounters lead to intense reflection, and finally, reconciliation around his Faith and his contact with ET. He’s done the deep dive on Genesis 6 and will share his hypothesis regarding the Elohim and the Nephilim.

In John’s presentation he looks at Ezekiels Wheel, Elijah, the Anti-Chirst, and End Times. He also compares the “good guy” ETs with the “bad.” Interestingly, John believes there are both sides – good and evil – when it comes to ET.

Join John for a provocative presentation regarding the Christian Faith and biblical clarification that ET has been with us for millennia.

# # # # #

Aside from writing, JOHN MILOR served in the military fresh out of High School. He started with the Active Duty Army Infantry as an M-60 gunner. He then transitioned to the Air National Guard and retired as a Chief Master Sergeant (E9), serving as the Chief of Cyber Operations for the United States Western Air Defense Sector. (NOTE: nothing Milor writes is officially endorsed by any branch of the military).

In 2021, Milor transitioned from the military to the private sector, where he now works in cybersecurity, protecting the critical infrastructure utilities of the United States.

John is an author of several books with outstanding reviews from Kirkus, Amazon, GoodReads, US Review of Books, Pacific Book Reviews, and Reader’s Favorite. He writes in a number of different genres, to include his unique brand of Christian Ufology, for which he has been featured in the New York Times. He also writes children’s literature, fantasy, sci-fi/comedy, biographies, song lyrics, and poetry. Milor is also a radio talk show guest for numerous programs, such as Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, the Art Bell show (when Art was the host), the X-Zone TV/Radio Show with Rob McConnel, Jeff Rense, and many others.

MARCH 2, 2024 - Carl Crusher | Roger Cultee | Colleen Gorman: “Ancient Chinook Global Mapping” & The Mt. Wilson Ranch Connection


Saturday, March 2 | 3pm-5pm PACIFIC
$10 Public  |  $5 MUFON Mbr.

Carl Crusher | Roger Cultee | Colleen Gorman
“Ancient Chinook Global Mapping” &
The Mt. Wilson Ranch Connection

The presentation will start with a video – “Petroglyph Video” – of Little Black Rock Mountain Petroglyogphs and example of sacred geometry applied to the Serpent head stone petroglyphs. Moving on to the overview of how Carl Andreasen, Roger Cultee and Colleen Gorman met and started collaborating to share information about the Re-Indigenizing Minds Project.

They will continue the discussion on their collaboration, and then introduce the “Chinook Ancient Indigenous Global Trade Network and Global Mapping System” by Roger Cultee.

The presentation will encompass connections to Mount Wilson Ranch, Orion’s Belt, seventy eighth frequency, astral lines, connections to Mars, Machu Piccu, Teotihuacan, Archaic Technology, Wovoka as an ultra-terrestrial and re-incarnation, polygonal floors, Quartzite Peak, Military bases and Archaelogical  sites alignments, Ancient Alignments and cover ups.


CARL “CRUSHER” ANDREASEN is a father of three and full time researcher and explorer of the mysteries of reality. Born in a small town in Southeast Idaho, he grew up adventuring in the wild near the Grand Tetons, Yellowstone National Park, and the high deserts of Utah. Carl grew up with strange life experiences as a child, and parents who were open minded to the possibilities. This led him on many camping trips into known locations of UFO sightings, Bigfoot reports, and locations of high strangeness as a growing interest.

After getting a degree in Social Work, Carl pursued his true passion in film-making and photography and he quickly became a successful online content creator and documentary filmmaker with an audience of over 3.2 million followers. Carl has worked extensively with the team at Skinwalker Ranch and the owner Brandon Fugal – leading to an appearance on the History Channel series “Beyond Skinwalker Ranch” Season 1 Episode 2 at Mt Wilson Ranch.

Carl has been a key research figure in rediscovering Mount Wilson Ranch in Nevada and it’s connection to Skinwalker Ranch. He personally utilizes research in quantum entanglement, human consciousness, various meditation methods and “Contact Protocol” – as well as working directly with Native American Indigenous teachers – to explore ancient locations known for paranormal phenomena and UFOs.


ROGER CULTEE, Quinault enrolled and of Clatsop bloodline, was raised as a small child in Tahola, Washington and then moved to and raised in Tohono O’Odham country in Arizona in 1963. The Clatsop is a sub-tribe of the Chinook tribal nation.
Roger obtained a high school education from Sells, Az., a Creative Writing degree from the Institute of American Indian Arts (IAIA), and a BFA from the University of New Mexico (UNM).

As an artist, Roger has a silversmithing background, as well as a musical background. He has toured Japan and Europe as a musician.

Roger started intentionally working with the ancient indigenous knowledge when he turned his life around during a lifechanging event which occurred at the rising of the Morning Star in 1979. He has been continuously researching ancient knowledge since then. The guidance of Roger’s adopted grandfather, Jose Ramon Senior,and Tohono O’Odham elders laid the groundwork for his path at an early age.

David Monogany, Hopi, Thomas Banyaka, Hopi, and Mad Bear Anderson, Tuscora, all medicine men, were Roger’s mentors and teachers, as well as Lawrence, a medicine man from Bigfields, Arizona.

Roger has worked with Colleen Gorman since 2002 to redocument information that has been lost/stolen, and to discover and create new material and information related to ancient knowledge, sacred calendars and more. He is currently in the process of publishing his research.


COLLEEN GORMAN, Diné (Navajo) is of the Zuni/Red Running into the Charcoal Streaked Water Clan. She is born for the Deer Springs Bitter Water Clan. The Red House Clan are her maternal grandparents. The Black Sheep Clan are her paternal grandparents. Colleen is a mother, an artist, poet and singer of Native songs.

Currently Colleen works for Albuquerque Public Schools as the Navajo Language Practicum Coordinator and as a Navajo Language teacher. She also attends the University of New Mexico to participate in the Diné Language Teacher Institute (DLTI) program classes.

Colleen started working with Roger Cultee in 2002, soon after being struck by lightning. This life-changing experience during a time of hardship and deep depression led to a recommitment to life and her life’s purpose.

Soon thereafter, she met Roger and started learning about the sacred calendars and sacred geometry of the indigenous peoples of the Americas. Her first project with Roger, using sacred geometry to animate planets and stars, won an international full dome animation award for originality at the New Mexico’s Museum of Natural History’s Lodestar Planetarium. The project is stored on a supercomputer at UNM, and can be accessed through UNM’s ARTS Lab.

Currently a goal of Colleen’s is to support the Re-Indigenizing Minds Project’s documentation and research of ancient indigenous knowledge in math, art and science in order to share and continue research on this knowledge with the world.

FEBRUARY 3, 2024 - A. TRUE OTT: Operation High Jump & The Extradimensional Realm

Saturday, February 3 | 3pm PACIFIC

Operation High Jump & The Extradimensional Realm

A. TRUE OTT is an author and publisher of dozens of articles and three books on nutrition. True learned the “truths” about minuerals from Dr. Linus Pauling and the nature of all disese. He has been searching for “the answers to consciousness” since an NDE rocked his word in 1987.

His presentation will cover personal experiences with UFO and Alien phenomenon. You don’t want to miss this presentation!


JANUARY 6, 2024 - JON STEWART: The "Victor" Alien Interview Video

Saturday, January 6 | 3pm PACIFIC
Petaluma Community Center
$10 non-MUFON Members | $5 MUFON Members

The “Victor” Alien Interview Video

JON STEWART has spent more than 20 years researching the authenticity of a VHS Tape showing an alleged interrogation of a Gray Alien who was captured sometime around 1991. He watched the video soon after its release in 1996 and became intrigued by its realistic depiction of the Gray Alien.

Stewart consulted video and animation experts, who did not detect any forgery. Stewart received a list of medical and military personnel directly involved in the interrogation and was able to speak with several of the named individuals or family members. He also learned about a disgruntled group of military insiders associated with the infamous S-4 facility at Area 51 who revealed they were behind the leaked video. Stewart concludes that the tape is authentic and was leaked by an insider called “Victor”.

Stewart is a former professional wrestler who worked with the American Wrestling Association on ESPN from 1988 to 1991 and became the AWA World Heavyweight Champion in 1996. He ran several times for the Illinois House of Representatives and the US Congress.

In this presention, Jon will air the trailer to his documentary of the Alien Interview, which he plans to completed in early 2024; and take you every step through the years of his investigation.



DECEMBER 2, 2023 - ANNUAL UFO POTLUCK DINNER & "GREEN ALIEN GIFT EXCHANGE" - SPEAKER: Rob Potter (Cottages of Petaluma from 5:30pm to 10pm)

PLEASE ARRIVE  5:30pm to 6pm

Everyone brings food to share and a “gift” – ALWAYS FUN!

TICKETS: $16.50

CLUBHOUSE – Cottages of Petaluma
576 N. McDowell Blvd.
Petaluma, CA 94954


“Sign up sheet” to bring a “side dish” NOW – PLEASE!


  • All food needs to be cooked and ready to eat. Please bring serving utensils and a way to transport your dirty dishes home. (The kitchen is not available.)
  • If there are no “dish” slots left to sign up for, please email Lorien – lorien@mufonmarinsonoma.com. She’ll let you know what food is still needed.

Your Dinner Ticket Purchases:

  • Turkey
  • Vegetarian “Turkey Loaf”
  • Cornbread Stuffing
  • Pumpkin Pies
  • Organic Coffee / Hot Water for Tea.
    Please bring your own drinks and tea bags if not a coffee drinker.

‘Green Alien’ Gift Exchange!

YES! The wild, and now infamous, Green Alien Gift Exchange is happening! Please bring a USED gift that falls into the categories of: Aliens, UFO’s, Consciousness, Conspiracy, Technology, etc. Please wrap your gift so as to camouflage it, so the person who’s picking the gift has a hard time figuring out what it might be.



  • 5:30pm – Arriving and setting up Potluck
  • 6:00pm – Dinner BeginsSign up to bring a Dish to Share ABOVE
  • 7:00pm – GUEST SPEAKER: Rob Potter
  • 8:00pm – Dessert
  • 8:30pm – “Green Alien” Gift Exchange


Thank you!

NOVEMBER 4, 2023 - MARSHALL BARNES: The Omega End Game (at Cottages of Petaluma - 5pm)

From Time Travel to Aliens


Meeting at the
“Cottages of Petaluma” Clubhouse
FROM 5pm to 7pm

Cottages of Petaluma
576 N. McDowell Blvd.
Petaluma, CA 94954

MARSHALL BARNES is the leading, internationally noted, advanced concept science and technology R&D engineer scientist, with an eclectic and notable background in UFOlogy and X-File genre investigations and research.

In the ’90s he was the American, real-life Fox Muldar with a badge and weapons whose exploits carried him through the US and Canada, not only for UFOs but rouge intel operatives, ultra-phenomena, MIBs, para-strange agents, conspiracies and messengers of deception before retiring from it in 2000.

Now, standing at the leading edge of the most advanced technology in the world and the threat of AI against the backdrop of UAP and UFO disclosures predicted since the 1990s, Marshall rips the cover off of the entire smorgasbord of the UFO/alien/cover-up agenda, revealing the truth that’s been denied to the UFO community and the Congress as well by UFO “insiders” and the military/industrial complex.

Don’t miss this frank conversation, as he tells it as he sees it. Reality itself, as we’ve known it, is about to collapse, leaving us with the Omega End Game.


OCTOBER 7, 2023 - MICHELE MEINERS: "Ancient Star People"


Michele will give a short history lesson on the Native American tribes of the Uinta Basin and their relationship to the Ancient Star People. To this day there are numerous sightings of “Skinwalkers” and UFO’s in this valley; considered a “Phenonmenon hot spot” not only by the residents but the US Government.

Michele will share some of her experiences with the phenomenon – what she has witnessed within the Native American tribal lands of the Uinta Basin. She is a “friend” of Blind Frog Ranch and other ranches and homesteads in the area, including Skinwalker Ranch.

MICHELE MEINERS Is a Native American representing a blend of three Native American Nations. The Navajo, The Chippewa, and Pawnee Nations. Her unique heritage is welcome as an advisor and partner on first Nation projects. Michele excels at investigating leading-edge technologies and the interplay of multiple solutions within a single project.

Michele explores cultural interaction of many native nations.

Having been a dedicated Entrepreneur she has held positions that represent successful business growth, which also allowed her to expand her business portfolio in Agricultural tech and leading-edge water technologies as a partner with Pure Life-International and CEO of Progressive Global Solutions LLC, partner with Alaskan Pacific Partners LLC.

Michele has empowered individuals all around the globe as an entrepreneur and has served on several boards on behalf of Native American education scholarships programs.

She spent 6 years in the Uinta Basin investigating Native American Cultural and its correlations to phenomenal occurrences which led to partnering with Dr. Jim Segala on the MUPAS Project, Unidentified Phenomenon Tracking portal. Her experiences with phenomenal anomalies in the Basin have led to investigations of Native American occurrences. And, since her experiential experiences to the Phenomena are so infamous in the Unita Basin, she continues investigating those events that link her cultural and anomalous characteristics of the Basin.

Michele has appeared on the Weather Channel’s Uncharted Adventures, Episode 8, “Exploring the Uinta Basin and its unique cultural representations to Cosmos and its energy centers”.


We meet at our new location:
The Petaluma Community Center
320 N. McDowell Blvd, Petaluma, CA 94954

PLEASE NOTE: We do not have to set up and tear down tables and chairs, but we do need to be there on time at 3pm, and out the door as soon as possible, close to 5pm. (We do not want to pay more than the 2 hour contracted fee.)

Please bring exact change, thank you!

SEPTEMBER 2, 2023 - ISAAC MARS presents "Awakening from the Matrix" with Unity Holodynamics


“Awakening from the Matrix” with Unity Holodynamics

For the mechanics of reality to make logical sense in the senseless, backwards reality we have found ourselves in during our collective journey through consciousness, we must realize that everything in our mainstream world is institutionally geared towards lowering and limiting us at every level of society. By bringing awareness to these tricks and traps of the “Matrix”, we can refine our consciousness to such a degree that all problems and limitations melt away; both in our individual lives and for the collective as well. As we choose to integrate these new, yet ancient principles (maybe info from our ET kin?) of Unity Holodynamics into our lives, we are choosing to experience the greatest consciousness shift mankind has ever experienced.


As the first Physicist in human history to publicly propose a simple “Theory of Everything” that demystifies the concepts of Time, Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and Consciousness itself, Isaac Mars is shattering obsolete paradigms with his new book “Unity Theory”. This cutting-edge science, known as “Unity Holodynamics”, goes above and beyond the mainstream theories of quantum mechanics and materialist reductionism by revealing the ancient, inarguable link between science and spirituality. By reuniting spirit and science together, the people of this world can finally transcend the “Illusion of Separation”; the singular source of suffering for all mankind. As the pain, illusion, and limitation of our species inevitably dissolve with this newfound awareness, we will experience the greatest evolution of the human species; into that of Superhumanity.



We meet at:
The Petaluma Community Center
320 N. McDowell Blvd, Petaluma, CA 94954

PLEASE NOTE: We do not have to set up and tear down tables and chairs, but we do need to be there on time at 3pm, and out the door as soon as possible, close to 5pm. (We do not want to pay more than the 2 hour contracted fee.)

Please bring exact change, thank you!

AUGUST 5, 2023 - "MIDNIGHT SPECIAL" Movie Sceeening and Discussion


Join Us for “MIDNIGHT SPECIAL” and Discussion After

written and directed by JEFF NICHOLS  | Running Time: 1:51

A father (Michael Shannon) goes on the run to protect his young son, Alton (Jaeden Lieberher), and uncover the truth behind the boy’s special powers. What starts as a race from religious extremists and local law enforcement quickly escalates to a nationwide manhunt involving the highest levels of the Federal Government. Ultimately his father risks everything to protect Alton and help fulfill a destiny that could change the world forever, in this genre–defying film as supernatural as it is intimately human.


We meet at our new location:
The Petaluma Community Center
320 N. McDowell Blvd, Petaluma, CA 94954

PLEASE NOTE: We do not have to set up and tear down tables and chairs, but we do need to be there on time at 3pm, and out the door as soon as possible, close to 5pm. (We do not want to pay more than the 2 hour contracted fee.)

Please bring exact change, thank you!

JULY 8 - 4:00pm begins EVENTS in Petaluma | 8:30pm UFO SKYWATCH at Sugarloaf Ridge State Park

Join us JULY 8! Schedule and Addresses Below

We begin at 4:00pm with a new event for our MUFON meetings! Wally Phillips leads an Experiencer Group. At 5:30pm we will have dinner. Be sure to bring a complete “meal kit”. Bring your food, drinks, plates, glasses, napkins and utensils; in other words pack a “picnic dinner”. (We don’t have access to the kitchen). At 6:30pm we begin our Sound Healing & UFO Meditation with our UFO CON healer, “Danny”. Danny has designed this healing event to end with a UFO Meditation to “call in the ships”! We’ll leave for Sugarloaf Ridge State Park at 7:45pm; I suggest you carpool with friends. Chuck Poloka and “Mr. Dennis” will be with us at the Park with their big Screen TV, lasers and night vision goggle.

FYI: You don’t need to attend all events! Arrive for the event you want to participate in; no event during the day is mandatory to attend the 8:30pm skywatch at Sugarloaf Ridge State Park – only the parking permit fee needs to be paid to Lorien.

She will give you a parking permit. Please bring exact change.
FEE: $10 per car / SENIORS: $8 per car

No MUFON fee this month.
Lorien asks you bring a contribution for both Wally and Danny.
Suggested donation for each presenter is $5.
Please bring exact change.



5:30 pm “BROWN BAG” DINNER Enjoy dinner with wonderful friends
7:45 pm Drive to Sugarloaf Ridge State Park Carpool from Petaluma, if you can
8:30 pm UFO SKYWATCH with Chuck Paloka & “Mr. Dennis”
11:00 pm After Meeting: Denny’s in Petaluma Meet for coffee for the drive home


4:00 pm we start at: COTTAGES OF PETALUMA
576 N. McDowell Blvd.
Petaluma, CA 94954

7:45 pm leave for Park: SUGARLOAF RIDGE STATE PARK
“Upper Group Parking Lot”
2605 Adobe Canyon Rd.
Kenwood, CA 95452


We will gather as a group to discuss the various experiences you’ve had but in a slightly different way. Whereas it’s normal to share our contact experiences and the good feelings that come with not feeling alone and being received by a group, continuous sharing of challenging or traumatic experiences can actually work against us.  We will, as a group, tiptoe into whichever experience that might have caused you discomfort, fear or trauma, but we’ll do it in a way that allows your nervous system to discharge the holding of the memory, at least to some degree.  This will be an internal process to you, not shared with the group initially. Later in the group, you might consider volunteering for a deeper processing of a distressing experience that I will lead and where you will be emotionally held by the group.  The group will be approximately 90 minutes long and your level of participation is up to you.

Wally began his first career as an electronics engineer. He started developing his psychic mediumship skills in the 80’s only to realize you can’t measure this stuff with a voltmeter. After realizing he knew how transistors worked but couldn’t figure out how he worked, curiosity grabbed him by the collar and he went to grad school under the guise of studying psychology, but he really went to study himself. “Why do we do what we do?” After some years of research, he discovered that one answer to that question is how the brain is wired. It was then that human beings (and now aliens) became more interesting than integrated circuits. Additionally, he had no logical explanation for some of the bizarre experiences that overtook him, so engineering went by the wayside and becoming a licensed psychotherapist was the next step. Developing a fascination for the paranormal, he enjoys working in the nonphysical realms.

How do you connect to, and express, your essence, your vision? How do you connect in your relationships – even with ET? Explore “Sound Healing” to stay connected to yourself and your vision, and manifest it into reality. Stress, conflict and dissatisfaction in life are often reflected in our physical and energetic body. In our “Sound Healing & UFO Meditation” we’ll focus on body-mind integration and near the end of the session meditate on calling on our ET’s to make an appearance when we go to Sugarloaf Ridge to look for them!

Engage your inner light body, crystalline activation and open doorways of perception.  Our facilitator is Danny, who has been a sound healer at both UFOCon and Contact in the Desert.  He is an contactee and a bodyworker with 20 years of experience. He is in private practice in Mill Valley.
See: http://riveroflightmassage.com


Chuck is a contactee who had unique, up-close UFO sightings and saw an ET as a child. In order to study the UFO’s “buzzing” his house, he started filming them with night vision goggles in his yard at night. He will share his YouTube channel with everyone at the skywatch. “Mr. Dennis” is a friend of Chuck who has the uncanny ability to “spot UFO’s” with his naked eye.
Years ago, Chuck told Lorien about his ET contact (she interviewed him on her radio show) and his Bay Area UFO sightings.  He also told her about how his friend Dennis was able to spot the UFOs. He told her they were getting a night vision goggle to hookup to a big screen TV that fit in the trunk of Dennis’ car… and the rest is history! They have been MUFON Marin Sonoma’s Skywatch Experts each July ever since. Lorien is grateful for their fellowship and support!

JUNE 3, 2023: NO MEETING - JOIN US JULY 8th for Our Annual Skywatch

LORIEN IS TRAVELING – See you in July!

MAY 6, 2023 - LES VELEZ: The Unknown Other and the Existential Proposition of Alien Contact

The Unknown Other and the Existential Proposition of Alien Contact
Presented By
Lester Velez

Lester Velez will present The Unknown Other and the Existential Proposition of Alien Contact and how OPUS, the Organization for Paranormal Understanding and Support, has been an integral part of helping people with their experiences of contact with non-human intelligences. It will cover the physical and psychological effects of contact, psychography, marks on the body, implants, blood types, entities, and the Omega 3 study.

Join us for an interesting analysis of Contact!


LES VELEZ is a graduate of the University of Vermont with a Bachelor of Science degree in business administration. In September of 1970 he began his serve in the US Army as field artillery officer.

Les joined MUFON, the Mutual UFO Network, in 1991 and has held the following positions: Field investigator, Training Coordinator for field investigators, Assistant State Director of Northern California, Chairman of the A.E.R.C. (Abduction Experiencer Research Committee) the precursor to the MUFON E.R.T. (Experiencer Research Team) and team leader of the A.R.T. (Abduction Response Team) associated with the A.E.R.C.

During his time serving MUFON, he became a facilitator for an abduction support group in San Jose, California and in 1994 co-founded OPUS – the Organization for Paranormal Understanding and Support, (www.opusnetwork.org).

In 2009 Les presented at the MUFON Symposium in Denver on the proper conduct while investigating alien abductions. He has appeared on Coast to Coast AM with George Knapp, Open Minds Radio with Alejandro Rojas, and Linda Moulton Howe’s Phenomenon Radio. He retired a few years ago as a VP of Luscombe Engineering, a Silicon-Valley based manufacturer’s representative company and now lives in Texas.


We meet at our new location:
The Petaluma Community Center
320 N. McDowell Blvd, Petaluma, CA 94954

PLEASE NOTE: We do not have to set up and tear down tables and chairs, but we do need to be there on time at 3pm, and out the door as soon as possible, close to 5pm. (We do not want to pay more than the 2 hour contracted fee.)

Please bring exact change, thank you!

APRIL 1, 2023 - The Maury Island Incident

An ongoing Mystery and Investigation by the
Northwest Museum of Legends and Lore
Presented By
Charlette LeFevre and Philip Lipson
With Special Guest Shanelle Schanz – Granddaughter of Kenneth Arnold

The Maury Island UFO Mystery is a complex case spanning several months in the summer of 1947 in the Puget Sound area of Washington State. The mystery occurred two weeks before Roswell and first involved UFOs seen over Maury Island, followed by the famous Kenneth Arnold sighting of UFOs over Mt. Rainier and ended with the tragic crash of a B-25 Bomber and the deaths of two military intelligence officers – Capt. Davidson and 1st Lt. Frank Brown.

Their presentation focuses first on the UFO incident itself then on the little known crash site of the B-25 Bomber, a first ever interview with a local who was first on the scene,  a newly discovered photo of the crash site, believed to be the only photo available of the Air Force¹s first plane crash and never seen before photos of Capt. William Davidson, 1st Lt. Frank Brown, Tacoma Times Reporter Paul Lantz and Harold Dahl – the man who claimed to have the sightin over Maury Island.

The mystery starts with an alleged UFO sighting by Harold Dahl on June 21, 1947, 2:00 pm over Maury Island Washington. Dahl along with his son and two crewmen were salvaging logs south of Maury Island when they saw six doughnut shaped disks hovering over the bay. One disk was wobbling and appeared to be in trouble. It lowered itself to about 500 feet above the water and was joined by five other disks. Upon what appeared to be assistance from one of the disks, the floundering disk dropped what appeared to be shiny aluminum metal on the beach followed by black lava like rock (or slag) into the water which created steam upon hitting the water. The falling slag wounded Dahl¹s son Charles and killed their dog. Charles was taken to the local hospital in Tacoma for first aid and the dogs body was buried at sea on their return trip.

Join us on April 1st for amazing new information around this historic case!


CHARLETTE LEFEVRE has a BA in Research and Design from Wright State University. She is current Director of the museum and the previous Seattle Chat Club – a Seattle lecture group hosting authors (founded in 1998). Charlette’s science background includes interning at a biomedical research lab in Yellow Springs, OH and has been a three year member of the Ohio Academy of Science. Charlette’s background also includes working as a military contractor at Wright-Patterson AFB. investigating the paranormal, dabbling in Kirlian Photography and researching geological mysteries. Her photography has been used by the Discovery Channel and she has appeared on numerous radio and TV shows including Seattle’s Evening Magazine, KOMO and KIRO. Most recently on Q13 presenting on D.B. Cooper.

PHILIP LIPSON is a “Cosmic Librarian” with a Master’s degree in Library Science from Wayne State University in Detroit and has had experience in both public and academic libraries. The bureaucracy of government regulated libraries could not contain him and he has devoted the last 30 years in establishing himself as an independent researcher and investigator of subjects of paranormal interest. He is available for consultations. In 1980 Philip ran for Sheriff of Wayne County, Michigan, Libertarian Party. Lucky for the library he lost. His slogan was “Behave Yourself”, a motto he still lives by today – or so he says.


SHANELLE SCHANZ is the granddaughter of Kenneth Arnold, the man who unwittingly coined the term flying saucer. He saw nine silvery objects in the sky on June 24, 1947. This happened while flying alone in his private plane near Mount Rainier in Washington state. While certainly not the first sighting of its kind, it was the one that exploded onto the national stage, ushering in the flying saucer craze that forever changed the popular consciousness.

Armold died in 1984 at the age of 68. His daughter Kim Arnold has spoken publicly about her father, she described the difficulties that his sightings created in his life. Shanelle has taken over the role of family spokesperson, to keep his memory alive Shanelle talks about her grandfather and how his experiences impacted their family over several generations. There is a lot more to the story, well beyond simply seeing something unusual in the sky.


We meet at our new location:
The Petaluma Community Center
320 N. McDowell Blvd, Petaluma, CA 94954

PLEASE NOTE: We do not have to set up and tear down tables and chairs, but we do need to be there on time at 3pm, and out the door as soon as possible, close to 5pm. (We do not want to pay more than the 2 hour contracted fee.)

Please bring exact change, thank you!



FEBRUARY 4, 2023 - Samantha Mowat


Extraterrestrial and Multi-dimensional Health Interventions

The intervention of Extraterrestrials and Multi-dimensionals occurs for many reasons, the experiencer may be involved in the hybrid program and require modifications for more successful creation of life. The experiencer may be experiencing an illness such as bronchitis or chicken pox, their body may have started developing cancer or be struggling after an injury. No matter what the ailment, the use of advanced technologies, medications and healing modalities are being used by these beings to assist the humans that they have an invested interest in.

Website: www.samanthamowat.ca
YouTube: Samantha Mowat

About Samantha

From infancy Samantha Mowat has been watched over by extraterrestrial and multi-dimensional beings. At numerous points in her life extraterrestrials have intervened by providing healing to her physical form; they have given her guidance by sharing knowledge of future events, they have been her teachers and dear friends.

In childhood the Pleiadians helped Samantha to nurture and develop her psychic abilities, allowing for her to have an in depth understanding about the complexity of energy and the ability to predict the future. Her psychic abilities have allowed for be able to better communicate with and understand the plethora of beings she has encountered, ranging from the Greys and Mantis beings, to Light beings, Angelic beings, Elementals, Pleiadians and Reptilians. With such a diverse range of beings coming to see her, Samantha was placed within several different hybridization programs and given the opportunity to meet many of her hybrid children.

However, as many contactees know, there is a dark side to being born of a bloodline with so much contact. From a young age Samantha has been monitored and abducted by the black budget government organizations; these organizations are commonly referred to as Black Operatives or Black Ops.

In order to assist others in understanding what it is truly like to meet and interact with extraterrestrial and multi-dimensional beings, Samantha has spent the last few years writing a detailed memoir that shares hundreds of the encounters she has experienced from infancy until 2020. At this time, she is nearing completion of her first book.

We meet at our new location:
The Petaluma Community Center
320 N. McDowell Blvd, Petaluma, CA 94954

PLEASE NOTE: We do not have to set up and tear down tables and chairs, but we do need to be there on time at 3pm, and out the door as soon as possible, close to 5pm. (We do not want to pay more than the 2 hour contracted fee.)

Please bring exact change, thank you!

JANUARY 7, 2023 - Viviane Chauvet & "UFO YouTube Roundup"


Being an Arcturian Hybrid Living as a Human on Earth

Lorien will be interviewing Viviane asking thought provoking questions about her life on earth knowing she is an Arcturian Hybrid. Viviane will surprise you with amazing information about her extraterrestrial family. If we are lucky, Peter Benson (her Husband), will pop in to explain his amazing healing devices!

Visit their websites:
Energies of Service

HOUR 2: “UFO YouTube Roundup”
Best YouTube UFO/ET Videos of 2022

Lorien has gatherd a few videos she thinks are noteworthy.

About Viviane

Viviane Chauvet is an interstellar Arcturian being who ascended thousands of years ago. Her Soul Avatar Essence has returned in a projected holographic form that contains biofeedback. Viviane and her husband Peter, sacred mission is to oversee the future timeline currently emerging on the planet. Viviane is an emissary and clear conduit for a delegation of enlightened and spiritually advanced intergalactic civilizations. As a team they assist humanity in repairing the mind, body, and spirit to reach a state of wholeness; and encourage everyone to embrace their Divine Grace and ascend to their original Universal Time Matrix.

Originally from Canada, Viviane is internationally recognized for her work as an advanced Arcturian hybrid avatar in a human projected form. Viviane’s healing practice and teachings inspire people to live in Universal Consciousness as sovereign Divine Beings. She specializes in multidimensional frequency healing, conscious channeling, soul matrix healing, and holographic body template upgrade. In 2013, Viviane launched her company “Infinite Healing from the Stars” and did thousands of healing sessions with clients worldwide. In 2022, Viviane joined the W.I.S.H. Alliance as an Ambassador and Emissary. She also serves as an emissary for the Intergalactic Councils and other star delegations.


We meet at our new location:
The Petaluma Community Center
320 N. McDowell Blvd, Petaluma, CA 94954

PLEASE NOTE: We do not have to set up and tear down tables and chairs, but we do need to be there on time at 3pm, and out the door as soon as possible, close to 5pm. (We do not want to pay more than the 2 hour contracted fee.)

Please bring exact change, thank you!


DECEMBER 3, 2022 - 12th Annual MUFON UFO Holiday Potluck Party & "Green Alien" Gfit Exchange


Everyone brings food to share and a “gift” – ALWAYS FUN!

TICKETS: $16.50

CLUBHOUSE – Cottages of Petaluma
576 N. McDowell Blvd.
Petaluma, CA 94954

“Sign up sheet” to bring a “side dish” HERE


  • All food needs to be cooked and ready to eat. Please bring serving utensils and a way to transport your dirty dishes home. (The kitchen is not available.)
  • If there are no “dish” slots left to sign up for, please email Lorien – lorien@mufonmarinsonoma.com. She’ll let you know what food is still needed.

Lorien will provide:

  • Turkey
  • Vegetarian “Turkey Loaf”
  • Cornbread & Regular Stuffing
  • Pumpkin Pies
  • Organic Coffee / Hot Water for Tea

Please bring your own drinks and tea bags  if not a coffee drinker.

‘Green Alien’ Gift Exchange!

YES! The wild, and now infamous, Green Alien Gift Exchange is happening! Please bring a used gift that falls into the categories of: Aliens, UFO’s, Consciousness, Conspiracy, Technology, etc. Please wrap your gift so as to camouflage it, so the person who’s picking the gift has a hard time figuring out what it might be.


  • 6:00pm – Dinner BeginsSign up to bring a Dish to Share ABOVE
  • 7:00pm – FEATURED PRESENTER 1: Chuck Paloka
  • 7:30pm – Dessert
  • 8:00pm – FEATURED PRESENTER 2: TBA (30 mins.)
  • 8:30pm – “Green Alien” Gift Exchange


Sorry, but there are currently no tickets for sale. Please try again later.

Willie Bird Smoked Turkey – $91.45 plus Tax (over $10 more than last year)


NOVEMBER 5, 2022 | MARY EDWARDS - LIFE ON EARTH: My Human & ET Families

227 S. McDowell Blvd.
Petaluma, CA 94954
(near Staples)

Mary will tell us all about her human and ET families! She promises and interesting presentation recounting her contact with ET and her Star Children.


Mary Edwards is an artist and interior designer who creates happier and healthier environments. She helped design the interiors for International Space Station with NASA. her father was a rocket scientist who worked with NASA and the government designing rockets with Dr. Wernher Von Braun. Mary teaches art to kids and Mental Health professionals.

Barbara Lamb, pioneering UFO community Hypnotherapist, and Mary have written a book, Real Adventures of ET Friends in Space, which helps children learn about ET visitation. Mary was taken on a spacecraft starting at age five and has 128 hybrid children. Her mission – as told to her by ET –  is to create high vibration art, spaces and presentations to inspire and prepare others for contact.



OCTOBER 1, 2022 - DAMON ISE: JFK JR. - "Murder of The Prince"


JFK JR. – “Murder of The Prince”

Damon has created a PowerPoint presentation that will leave you with no doubt that John Jr. was murdered. Eyewitness accounts, flight logs, graphs, charts and more… the only thing missing from this thought provoking presentation is the indictment.

About Damon’s Aviation Career (and how it relates to JFK Jr.’s Death)

Damon’s aviation interests and career have spanned more than 40 years. After earning his private pilot’s rating in July of 1977, Damon went on to receive the ratings of commercial pilot, instrument pilot, and flight instructor. Southern New England based, many of his training flights were flown to Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket under both visual and instrument flight conditions.

  • He worked for the State of Rhode Island as an airport attendant and traffic advisor at North Central State Airport.
  • He was a founding Father of the Quonset Air Museum and served as the organization’s president for several years.
  • In 1994 Damon led the salvage team who recovered A Us Navy F6F Hellcat off the waters of Martha’s Vineyard.

As a local aviation professional Damon was solicited by the Providence journal shortly after the terrible death of John Kennedy jr, his wife Carolyn and her sister Lauren. Having no reason to doubt the official story Damon lent a “boiler plate” opinion of the circumstances surrounding the so-called accident. Just casual remarks with no real research. His opinion without study of the facts.

Twelve years later, while digging thru a closet, Damon found the faded yellow Sunday edition of The Providence Journal. Damon re-read the quotes he made that appeared on the front page. It was recalling the “accident” from that article which spurred his research; he began questioning the accuracy of the original “Official Story” regarding John’s death. He is still uncovering the roots of deception fed to the world public regarding the demise of a skilled pilot and truly dynamic and charismatic individual, John Kennedy Jr.

John, his wife and sister-in-law – did not die by accident.

We meet at our new location:
The Petaluma Community Center
320 N. McDowell Blvd, Petaluma, CA 94954

PLEASE NOTE: We do not have to set up and tear down tables and chairs, but we do need to be there on time at 3pm, and out the door as soon as possible, close to 5pm. (We do not want to pay more than the 2 hour contracted fee.)

Please bring exact change, thank you!

SEPTEMBER 3, 2022 - DAVID ADAIR: "Questions and Answers: Ask David Anything!"


David is known as the “Rocket Man,” As a child he received advanced scientific inventions in dreams. Dr. Stephen Hawking, on meeting David, allegedly told him that he also got his ideas while dreaming.

David shares his ordeal of being forcibly taken to Nevada’s Groom Lake (Area 51) as a teenager, along with his latest rocket prototype. He describes the alien engine he examined under the base and how he kept his knowledge and rocket from being used by the US government! Is David a crazed UFO whistleblower that fancies himself a rocket scientist, or was he involved with the reverse engineering of an alien spacecraft? Or is there more to his story than meets the eye?

David Adair is an internationally recognized expert in space technology spinoff applications for industry and commercial use. At age 11, he built his first of hundreds of rockets, which he designed and tested. At age 17, he won “The Most Outstanding in the Field of Engineering Services” award from the US Air Force. Currently, David has his own research company, Intersect Inc. He continues to work and speak on advanced technology and sustainable energy for the whole planet.


NEW LOCATION: The Petaluma Community Center
320 N. McDowell Blvd, Petaluma, CA 94954
PLEASE NOTE: We do not have to set up and tear down tables and chairs, but we do need to be there on time at 3pm, and out the door as soon as possible, close to 5pm. (We do not want to pay more than the 2 hour contracted fee.)
Please pay at the door. Please have exact change.
FEE: $10 for General Admission / $5 for MUFON International Members (please bring your membership card)
LIVE IN PERSON!!! AUGUST 6, 2022: JOHN RHODES will be with us!


Reptilian Humanoids, Underground Bases and the Men in Black Who Protect Such Secrets

You may hear about reptilian aliens and wonder if humanity has gone totally crazy, but there are actually real, scientific projections that suggest such a race of beings could exist!  John Rhodes presents his reptilian-humanoid theory and provides an overview of early investigations that led ufology and conspiracy investigators on a journey of exploration into previously uncharted realms of UFO and cryptozoological research.

He will also discuss the elusive Men In Black, who John reports to have encountered twice in his 30 plus years of investigating mysteries. These professional “scare artists” show up to silence UFO eyewitnesses, to intimidate certain researchers, and to control the flow of information related to Earth’s mysterious underworld and what is possibly hiding within it.  Join John Rhodes, the CryptoHunter, on a voyage of enlightenment through the looking glass and beyond as he shares insights into these and other fascinating and mind-bending realities.

About John

For over thirty years, CryptoHunter John Rhodes, the award winning UFO phenomena investigator, cryptozoologist, and pioneer of Reptilian-Humanoid studies, has informed and entertained audiences around the world with his unique insight into the mysteries of our planet, and beyond. His research into UFO’s, Terrestrial Cryptids, Underground Bases and the Men In Black has been featured on numerous television shows such as Unsolved Mysteries, UFO Hunters, the Jesse Ventura Show, Ancient Aliens, Animal-X, Monster Quest, The Unexplained Files, and more.

John has presented his research findings at many UFO and phenomena conferences in the United States and internationally. He has been a guest on Coast-to-Coast AM, and other recognizable radio and internet broadcast shows. He is also known for assisting law enforcement agencies investigating Cattle Mutilations. His research presentations on Secret Underground Bases and Advanced Tunneling Technologies continue to fascinate audiences, giving them a clear view into the secret government and “alien” underworlds that exist beneath our very feet.

We are meeting at our new location: The Petaluma Community Center –
320 N. McDowell Blvd, Petaluma, CA 94954

PLEASE NOTE: We do not have to set up and tear down tables and chairs, but we do need to be there on time at 3pm, and out the door as soon as possible, close to 5pm. (We do not want to pay more than the 2 hour contracted fee.)

Since we are all paying for John’s hotel and other expenses, there is no MUFON membership discount this month.

JULY 16th - 8:30pm UFO SKYWATCH at Sugarloaf State Park & DINNER 5:30pm Lumberjack's


Be sure to have $10 CASH for the Park Parking Fee – $8 CASH if you are a SENIOR.
Don’t forget to bring a “folding chair” and a coat just in case it gets cold.
Join us at 5:30pm for DINNER at LUMBERJACK’S in Petaluma.
We will leave Lumberjack’s at 7:30pm for the Park.


June 4, 2022: MIESHA JOHNSTON - "My Galactic Missions"



My Galactic family have been with me my whole life and have put me on my Missions’ path. They encouraged me to start my first ET Experiencer Group back in the 1991. They encouraged me to start a teen group, as well as the first children and their parents support group. They want us to connect with them and communicate with them – as all contactees know. In my presentation I will travel through my life of contact and show slides of the hybrids I have met and know many as family. I will also show visuals of the Galactic’s.

MIESHA JOHNSTON is a Certified Hypnotherapist specializing in Multidimensional ET Experiencer Regressions, Past Life Regression and Trauma Recovery Hypnosis. She offers Galactic Multi-Dimensional Sessions and is a trance channel who speaks many Galactic Light Languages.  She facilitates virtual Experiencer support groups three times a week on Zoom and in her home once a month.

Miesha a third-generation experiencer having contact with 8 different types of extraterrestrials. She is also part of the MK Ultra experimentation and a MILAB abductee. Her most complex MK Utra was where she expereinced of 8 months of missing time; including a marriage she had no memory of.  She shares her story of her encounters in her books, and has been a guest on many Radio shows since 1999, She has been on European, Canadian and Russian TV and will soon appear on the cable TV on Book of Secrets, on History Channel.

In 1991, she founded the STAR FAMILY CONTACTEE GROUPS and she started the first teen and children’s groups in the United States in 1991. She was director of U.F.O.C.C.I. In the 1990s she was a working group member of Steven Greer’s C.S.E.T.I. In Las Vegas, Nevada.

She is owner operator of Vector 5 UFO Tours of Las Vegas and has been leading tours in Las Vegas, Hawaii and California for over 3 years, with military grade Gen 3-night vision goggles and high-powered lazars. She has a weekly radio show Saturday on KCOR Digital Radio.

She author of Covert Abduction: Military Harassment, Surveillance, Interrogation, and Mind Control and They Weren’t Butterflies: A Monarch Survivor’s Story, available on her website andAmazon.com. Her Galactic Planetary Genealogy book, with chart. is also available on her website.  She co-authored, with Tana Newberry, the Experiencer Oracle Deck and she created the ET Experiencer Unimaginable Oracle Deck and companion book, also vailable on her site and www.Amazon.com.

For more information about Miesha visit her websites: www.StarseedAwakening.org and  http://www.ufonightwatch.com/

TO PURCHASE YOUR ZOOM SEAT: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_zkFSFV4YS_qNjujhwpuTOg


MAY 7, 2022 - NO MEETING - JOIN US AT THE "UFO PANEL" During New Living Expo

Join us at 5pm Saturday, May 7th, in Room 3 at New living Expo! https://NewLivingExpo.com

If you can’t make the Expo on Saturday and plan to take your Mom on an Expo shopping spree Sunday, stick around for Robert Perala and Lorien Fenton’s presentations.


APRIL 2, 2022: SEV TOK - "My Therapist is an Alien"


For our MUFON Meeting this month Sev describes her lifetime of ET Contact and the Alien messages about our Quantum Reality, the Hybridization Program, PSI Abilities, DNA Activation, and Conscious Self-Realization. She shares her journey from fearing the Aliens to embracing them and the positive changes manifested from her transformation.

SEV TOK is a Speaker, Author, Experiencer Advocate, Spiritual Counselor, and a life-long Experiencer. Originally from Istanbul, Turkey, Sev emigrated to the US as a little girl, not knowing English as she started first grade, and earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Loyola University.

Sev’s ET contact started at age 10, which she kept secret, until 2017 when Greys burned red X-marks into her back. This ET contact prompted her to “come out” in 2018 as a Speaker at AlienCon and through her book, You Have The Right To Talk To Aliens, endorsed by renowned UFO Researcher, Kathleen Marden. She is currently working on her next book, Alien Wisdom.

Sev is featured in the Canadian TV docuseries, Encounter: UFO – Physical Contact, has been interviewed around the world, speaks at conferences, and is honored to be the Master of Ceremonies at MUFON’s International Symposium in Denver in July 2022. As a MUFON Field Investigator for North Carolina and as a member of MUFON’s Experiencer Resource Team (ERT), Sev helps Experiencers around the world. She also offers guidance to Experiencers through Tell Me Your ET Story on her website, planetsev.com, her monthly newsletter, and her YouTube channel Alien Spirit TV.

For the past 12 years, Sev has been conducting Soul Purpose Sessions, with clients around the world, providing inter-dimensional guidance to activate one’s purpose to manifest a fulfilling, successful, and dynamic life aligned with your soul purpose. A planet and star system is named after her in the STAR WARS Galactic System! You can find the Sev Tok Star System and Planet in Wookieepedia. Sev lives on the Inner Banks of North Carolina with her black cats Comet and Three, and her partner George.

TO PURCHASE YOUR ZOOM SEAT: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_iJbAcTIHRySWuZFckUxXyA







HOUR 1: JO ANN RICHARDS – Being Part of the Galactic Community
Jo Ann will discuss alien involvement in current events. She will describe one or more species not included in previous talks, based on downloaded information. She will discuss the delay or slowing down of disclosure. She will share messages from the other side about the galactic community and our part in it.

JO ANN RICHARDS never believed in UFOs, aliens, or faeries as a child. In her 20s, she felt the presence of ghosts. Since the late 90s, she embraced the world of UFOs, aliens, elementals, and magic. Her passion is to teach others about this ‘world of wonder.’
Jo Ann is Executive Director of the educational non-profit, Earth Defense Headquarters (www.edhca.org and www.edhq.org). Her husband, Mark Richards, and his father, Ellis Loyd Richards, were involved with top-level military intelligence operations since World War II, many including on-world and off-world contact and battles with various alien species.
She speaks about her knowledge of military operations and secret meetings that both these men were involved with. She shares information about numerous alien species, the secret space fleet, and battles with aliens on- and off-world.
Jo Ann is a native Californian. She has Associate of Arts degrees in film production and Accounting. She is the mother of a successful grown daughter and is the proud grandmother of three. She enjoys reading, needlework, travel, and spending time with the family. She is owned by her three cats. She is an international speaker on the topics of UFOS, extraterrestrials, and military involvement with such topics. Her first book, MIDLIFE MAGIC, was published in May 2021.
HOUR 2: “YouTube 2021 UFO Roundup” – The Best YouTube UFO/ET Videos of 2021
Lorien Fenton will present to you, YouTube Video’s that YOU have emailed her, which you think are the best SHORT UFO or ET video’s on YouTube this past year.
Thank you everyone!


Receive information about upcoming MUFON Meetings, Conscious Community Events productions, Make Contact TV programming and so much more!

Lorien Fenton

Lorien Fenton

Radio and TV Personailty

Join Lorien on Mondays on Revolution RadioTHE FENTON PERSPECTIVE 5pm PT / 8pm ET.

Visit her website: LorienFenton.com